New geoenergy technology from Rototec: deep geoenergy well can soon be drilled also cost effectively

Rototec, Europe’s largest geoenergy company is developing new technology and is conducting test drillings relating to new semi-deep geoenergy wells which are approx. 600 to 1000 meters deep and could be implemented cost effectively. Test drillings are done with so called hybrid solution where drilling with air and water hammer are combined. This solution enables cheaper drilling and reduces also fuel consumption.

” We have been following with great interest other’s deep well tests and have been developing this concept forward by starting to create a cost-effective product which will bring deep wells to all of our customers. Thanks to this new drilling method in which we are utilizing both hydraulics as well as pneumatics, we can accurately estimate price so that our customers can easier projectize drillings as part of their project. We believe that this our forthcoming semi-deep geoenergy well product is the next step in deep drilling technology”, tells Mikko Ojanne, VP of Development, Rototec.

This HYBGEO project coordinated by VTT will be implemented together with other research companies GTK and Centria AMK. As business partners in the projects are Tom Allen Senera, Muovitech, Gebwell and Bassotalo. Business Finland is partially financing this project. During the project Rototec’s new drilling technology is being tested together with other partners’ heat pump and building technology also featuring follow-up and optimization of the complete solution. This new semi-deep geoenergy well product under development will include geoenergy wells between 600 to 1000 meters which will create great possibilities for the carbon neutral future.

“Semi-deep geoenergy wells require certain drilling technics and collector technology so we will test carefully with VTT and GTK different options to find out the best and most cost-effective way to do the drillings”, says Tomi Mäkiaho, Head of Consulting, Rototec.

” Deep wells will make a real impact into creating a carbon neutral future only if they are available to everyone. Semi-deep geoenergy wells suit especially well for small and narrow plots in the city centres. This new product which is under development will enable shorter delivery times which enhance operations further both for us and to our customers. Our forthcoming semi-deep geoenergy well product will enable our customers to reach their climate targets faster”, says Jan Herranen, Country Manager, Rototec Oy.

Rototec has recently also done successful test drillings in Germany where geoenergy wells of 100 to 200 meter deep have been common.” We are also exporting our knowledge of deeper 300 to 400 meters wells to Germany where this has showed to be an effective way to utilize geoenergy”, continues Mikko Ojanne.

Rototec, Europe’s largest geoenergy company based both on revenue and equipment develops continuously its operations to offer cost-effective and energy effective geoenergy to its customers. Rototec has been a pioneer in innovations relating to geoenergy also before e.g., by creating the most effective size of a geonergy well.

More information on the HYBGEO project

Further information:

Joanna Viileinen, Marketing and Communications Manager, Rototec Group, or tel. +358 40 538 33 66. Photos:


Rototec is the Europe’s largest provider of geoenergy solutions and innovative pioneer in the field. Geoenergy is renewable energy, which can be collected from the ground. With geo energy it is possible to heat and cool properties of all sizes. Rototec’s comprehensive concept covers the whole process from consulting and design of energy systems to their implementation. Rototec Group was established in 2007 and the company operates in Scandinavia. The revenue of the company in 2019 was 56.7 million euros.